How do I use the Powerpoint Slide Mapper
The slide Mapper is a convenient way to map your slides within PowerPoint. Follow the steps below to map a presentation slide:
1 – Select the Slide Type.
2 – Select the No. Of Choices if the slide Type is Multiple Choice/Mark or Sequence. For other slide types this option will not be available or set by default in the case of Likert Scale.
3 – Select Response Type – Option available for Multiple Choice/Mark and Sequence. Select Text to label choices with alpha characters and Numeric to label choices as numbers. (Max 6 choices available i.e. A-F or 1-6).
4 – Enter the correct answer – (optional in Plug-in 2.0.0 and above for SURVEY presentations where right/wrong answers are not needed)
5- Highlight the question text from the PowerPoint slide and click the Q+ button to add the question. This will then appear on the reports in ClassComm.
6 – The Text Answers option allows you to highlight the correct answer in a different colour when running a presentation/quiz in ClassComm. First choose the answer colour from the Answer Colour (For Text Answer Only) drop-down box. Now highlight the correct answer on the slide and press the “Add” button under Text Answers”. Press reset to revert back to no answer colour.
7 – The “Answer Slide” option allows object’s e.g. image, text box to be revealed and/or hidden when the presenter shows the answer. Once an object has been added, select it and then press the “Show” or “Hide” button to show an object or hide an object when the answer is revealed. The Reset button will cancel the show/hide effect.
8 – The “Chart Object” option adds a chart container to the slide. This container can be used to embed charts during a live presentation for review later whilst viewing the instant charts.
Repeat the above steps for each slide in the presentation. SAVE the changes before closing PowerPoint and re-entering ClassComm.