Creating and Adding Teachers, Classes and Students. Method 1 – Data Entry
When running a presentation in ClassComm, the students must be added into the ClassComm software before they can used with the “Existing Class” presentation This can be done either by data entry or via import of a CSV or excel file.
Method 1 – Data Entry
1. Enter the STUDENT area of ClassComm. The following screen will appear: (See Attached Image 1)
2. Create a new teacher by clicking the >> symbol next to the teacher drop-down box. From the pop-up menu, select Add Teacher.
3. Enter the new teacher details and press the SAVE button. At this point, the Cancel button will change to a CLOSE button which will exit out of the Add Teacher window.
4. Create a new Class by clicking on the >> next to the Class drop-down box and select Add Class.
5. Enter the new class details in the Add Class window that appears and Press SAVE followed by CLOSE. Note that the only mandatory fields are Class Name and teacher.
6. To add new students into the class, select the class from the drop-down box, click >> and select Add Student from the pop-up menu.
7. From the Search Student window that appears, click the NEW button.
8. Enter the new student details in the Add Student Details window that appears. The only other mandatory fields are forename and Handset ID (for use with “Existing Class” presentation mode). Press SAVE and then ADD to enter further new students to the class. Once all student details have been entered and saved, press CLOSE.