Creating and Adding Teachers, Classes and Students. Method 2 – Import Student List from CSV/Excel
To import via CSV/Excel, we need to ensure that ClassComm can recognise the fields of the spreadsheet and import them accordingly into the application database. Here is a sample excel spreadsheet with 5 columns – Forename, Surname, Handset ID, Gender and Email.
To import the above spreadsheet into ClassComm, here are the steps to follow:
1. Enter the STUDENT area of ClassComm.
3. The Import from CSV window will open. Select the Import source type that matches the file that holds the student details (CSV or Excel) and click the Browse button. Locate the Import Source file.
4. Select “First row is data header” if the source file has column headings. Check the “Also import into class” option and select the class from the drop-down menu. Note that classes must be pre-created when using this option. If de-selected, the students will be imported into the MASTER LIST and can be allocated to classes as required from within the Student section of ClassComm.
5. The Field names in the CSV/Excel file need to be matched to an index number so that they will be recognised and imported correctly into the ClassComm software. From the sample spreadsheet below, it can be seen that the FORENAME field is the first column hence it is index 1; SURNAME is index 2 and so on.
Select Forename from the Field Name is CSV/Excel dropdown box and then select 1 from the Field Index in CSV/Excel dropdown list. Click the Add button. The data will be displayed in the table as shown in the images below:
6. When the fields have been indexed correctly, the List of selected Fields table will look as follows:
7. Click the IMPORT button. After a short time, the following message will appear. Click OK to proceed and then CLOSE on the Import from CSV window.
8. The student’s have now been added to the Class selected during the import process or if no class was selected, they will be viewable in the Master List ready for addition to a class or classes.