Class Settings in ClassComm
Now that a PowerPoint Activity has been successfully mapped and added to the ClassComm Resources area, we can setup the activity/resource to run as a quiz with a group of participants/student’s. To do this, click on the Presentation tab within ClassComm. The Presentation area of the software is where the presenters can set the presentation mode, how the participant responses will be taken, and game and pace settings. There are two ways to select the Class/audience with which you wish to present to: -
1 – Existing Class Presentation – When this option is selected, only existing Class and Teacher data can be used for the presentation. Class and Teacher data has to have been pre-entered onto the system via the Student section of ClassComm (See Phase 3 – Creating and Adding Teachers, Classes and Students). When using the Existing Class presentation option, the class and teacher need to be selected from the bottom-right pane and then active participants need be selected from the Student Name Register pane before an activity can be presented.
2 – Ad-Hoc Class - When this option is selected, an Ad-hoc class can be created by participant’s texting in their names from the handsets. After selecting Ad-hoc, click the “New Class” button on the bottom right of the ClassComm interface to bring up the Ad-hoc class interface. Clicking the “Capture Names” button sets all active handsets to texting mode. Participants can now text in their names and press the send button on the handset. Once, participants have texted in their names, the presenter presses the “Stop Capture” button. The Clear, Done and Cancel buttons now become active.
3 - Anonymous Login (Option available when Existing Class Presentation is selected): Selecting the Anonymous Login option allows a presentation to be carried out without using/storing any individual student data. When Anonymous login is selected, all active handsets i.e. handsets currently switched on will appear in the Active Handsets pane. Additional handsets can be added or removed from the presentation at this point by switching them on/off. See the following screenshot for further details.
4 - Login by ID (Only available for Existing Class Presentation’s): If handset ID’s have not been specifically assigned to student’s, then all participating students in an existing class with a handset will have to Login by ID – when this option is selected, after the presenter has set all the presentation data and clicked the “Present Activity” button, the grid shown below will appear. At this stage, the participants must type in their Student Number in 5-digit format and press send on their handsets. The Student Number can be found in the STUDENT area of ClassComm either through the Master List or by selecting a class.