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G-Touch Care Solution

Genee is a UK leading manufacturer of innovative technological solutions. Genee plays an integral role across all major industries, including health care. We have developed a highly flexible and robust solution for care, residential and nursing homes, that can be used by residents and staff throughout.  

The G-Touch Wireless Care Solution includes a:

G-Touch Interactive Screen

elderly interacting with G-Touch Interactive Display

Electric Trolley Stand

care home using G-Touch Interactive Display

Wireless Battery Pack

care home member using interactive G-touch wirelessly

Supporting residents to:  

  • Catch up with their family and friends through setting up our video conferencing. 
  • View videos and TV shows. 
  • Participate in interactive activities whilst sat at the interactive touchscreen table. 

The solution also includes software that can help with residents with health issues, including dementia and Alzheimer’s.  

The G-Touch Screen can even be used by the staff for group activities, staff training or inter-care home video conferencing. 

Don’t just take our word for it 

We have recently implemented the Genee Care Solution into our homes with great results!  

 Our residents really enjoy playing on the touch table, singing karaoke as well as solving puzzles and completing quizzes individually or in a group environment. We find the table really improves the mood of our residents and helps them work and play together around the touch table at the same time. They are great in aiding our residents living with sensory impairment and encourages their general rehabilitation and independence. We have been able to increase activity time and availability without increasing our staff’s workload.   

 The difference that these tables have made is amazing! Residents have embraced the technology and every day we find new ways to use it. The benefits of the Interactive table have been shown to improve residents’ mood, and greater physical, social and cognitive activity, and positively impacts on relationships with care staff, friends and family.  

With the table being portable it does not restrict where it can be used. The service users are attracted to it due to the size of the screen and the portable aspect of it. When service users are having 1:1 time with our activities co-ordinator other service users are watching and wanting to get involved. The table is easy to use and can be used by all.  

– Dove Haven Care Group