How important is it to use interactive software to engage students in the classroom and at home?

  • Date: Aug 20, 2021

With new educational technology tools developing every day, it’s no wonder some teachers just don’t know what to use to help engage students. The ability to create an interactive classroom is becoming easier than ever before; and making use of interactive technology to revolutionise the way students learn, is slowly becoming the norm. With the latest lockdown measures, it is also essential teachers utilise interactive software to make remote learning engaging.
Interactive software allows teachers to integrate more of their creative ideas and think outside the box when it comes to lesson planning. With relatively minimal prep, teaching strategies can be made more flexible, with constant adaptations to suit the learning styles of different students or classes, allowing students to remain engaged throughout the year. With Genee’s variety of software, including Spark II, you don’t have to recreate your current teaching resources – all you have to do is import them! And with a range of interactive tools, teachers can use Spark II to make their presentations and worksheets engage students.
When students take ownership of their own learning, they become significantly more engaged. By using interactive software in the classroom and for remote learning, we can encourage students to be active in their learning. Using software such as Learn Hub, KidloLand and Darts Maths encourages students to learn on their own and is available on their own devices. The Genee App Store has over 100’s of Educational Apps that can be directly downloaded on the G-Touch 4K Screens as well as on PC’s, laptops and iPads!
Project Flow enhances the way that work can be shown. It allows multiple windows to be in use at the same time, meaning more than 1 student can present their work to the class.
Students can be inspired to share ideas and concepts, or even give short presentations of their work. With Trucast and Genee Vision Wireless Visualisers, students don’t even have to leave their seats when showcasing their work to the class! Students can easily cast their own devices directly to the G-Touch 4K + Screens. If students are using worksheets or need to showcase physical work, the wireless visualisers can be placed on the students’ desk and shown to the entire classroom.
The Genee Vision Visualisers are also one of the best tools for teachers for remote learning. Teachers can use the visualiser as a webcam or as a secondary camera to show students what they are doing.
With social distancing becoming part of everyday life as a student, at least for this academic year, wireless technology plays more of an important role than ever before! Genee’s new range of wireless visualisers not only creates a safer learning environment, but can be interconnected allowing students to ‘show, tell and share’ their work to their peers and teachers. This unique learning concept is set to revolutionise how visualisers are used in the classroom, giving more flexibility than ever before.
We operate in a world where technology affects our lives every day, so it makes sense that we teach our young people how to safely and efficiently use technology. One of the biggest advantages of interactive software in the classroom and at home is that it can allow us to develop the technology awareness of students through active, everyday use of it.
Are you currently using interactive software in your classroom or in your remote learning lessons?
