United Nation Project

  • Date: Oct 17, 2023

Genee is a unique UK based manufacturer that supplies educational establishments with interactive solutions across the UK and overseas. For this specific project, Genee was invited to Liberia as part of the United Nations UNIDO project. The project consisted of G-Touch 65’’ Emerald Interactive Screens with Mobile Floor Trolleys, Accessories and Genee Visualisers. Included in the project, a Genee engineer visited the new Learning Centre in Kakata to deliver in person training of the hardware and software over a three-day period to support teachers and staff members to become confident with the products.

This project differed in so much as the project required a bespoke solution. The interactive solution needed to include an uninterruptable power supply (UPS system) mounted on the trolley with each interactive touchscreen as the power supply in Liberia can be intermittent. The UPS provided a solution, in the event of power loss or reduction, to be able to continue with the training, save their work, and safely shut down the screens s required.)

Visualisers (document cameras) were incorporated into the interactive touchscreen software so that training work could not only appear on the screen but can be analysed, annotated over and highlighted.

From this project we are thrilled to see the screens in full swing at a recent Youth Rising Event for World Youth Skills Day. Follow the link to watch a video covering the day: https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?ref=watch_permalink&v=3166835793632203
